Bowling Shoes Worth It...

Post date: Feb 26, 2017 4:38:50 PM

I have bowled since I was 5 years old I use to be in kid legaues up until I got into high school.

Having your very own bowling shoes is probably the best investment you could make when it comes to considering bowling equipment. First and foremost, you don’t have to worry about renting bowling shoes that about a thousand other people have worn. You don’t know who the previous person who wore the shoes could be and what kind of foot problems they might have. So hygienically speaking this is a definite plus to having your own shoes.

$3 to $6 to rent a pair of bowling shoes. Let’s say you go on a regulary weekly basis to the local lanes. If you rent each time, you are looking at spending roughly $12 to $32 each month. Now multiply that by a year and you are looking at spending $144 to $384 on just shoe rentals! That doesn’t even include the cost of the actual bowling games. Now it may not sound like a lot but when you compare that cost to the cost of owning your own shoes being around $50 to $150, in less than a year they would have already paid for themselves.

dexter slide rite I think i bought them well over 10 years ago for under $50