
I have a page all about different lodges click link to learn more

Masonic Square and Compasses Big G

When I was a teenager, I was always fascinated by Ben Franklin and a lot of the Founding Fathers, as well as a lot of aspects of history.  That curiosity led me to get involved with Freemasonry.  I joined DeMolay, the Masonic Youth Group, in the fall of 2007 and was master counselor of the local youth lodge in 2011. 

I am glad that I joined.  I have met some interesting people and learned a lot along the way.  This group also helped a lot with civic engagement as men from varies backgrounds both religiously and politically are able to sit together on the level on common ground you do not see that with many other groups these days.

 The Masons really stress the importance of voting both within the lodge as the lodge is a self-governing Institution and also democracy and voting in elections in general. Community and civic affairs are something a number of the members of lodges also work as poll workers. They'll do other community events like blood drives, donations for scholarship funds, Clothes A Child where they'll help elementary school kids get new jackets and clothes that wouldn't get them otherwise and many more things.  

Currently, I am an officer at a local lodge in Marion Iowa, where I have been the chaplain for 5 of years. The longer I have been a member, the more I have gained and given to the brotherhood. Here is an old bio of mine that was on there website LINK

I presented this to our lodge back in 2018 as the building went from for-profit ownership to being owned by a 501c3 for historic preservation.

501c's and civic society

my PowerPoint from that talk. 

501c Masonic

Blue Lodge Master Mason 

1st degree 8-25-2009 

2nd  degree 9-18-2009

 3rd degree 10-19-2009

 I am a Mason, having been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on October 19, 2009, at a Lodge, of Free and Accepted Masons, of the Grand Lodge of Iowa.  

I have been a chaplain at a Masonic Lodge since 2020 and I got my Ashlar award in 2023. 

My  1st degree 8/25/09

This was quite a night.  We had a stated meeting.  We had 21 Masons in attendance.  We had a dinner.  We read a petition.  Oh yeah, we did three, that's right, THREE, Entered Apprentice Degrees.  So how did this all come about?

Well, the stated meeting is pretty standard. It was the night for that, after all.  But we had previously decided to hold an EA Degree along with that.  But Don Mosier got to talking with Rick Bowersox from Marion No. 6.  He indicated that Marion had an EA degree to do as well and had though about doing it the same night.  They decided to tell their respective WMs that they needed to combine the functions, which they did with positive results.  Then it turned out that Marion actually had two candidates.  So that made a total of three.

We opened Kingston Lodge at about 5:20 PM, with the following officers in the places and stations: (Some were from Kingston and some from Marion.  I will not distinguish here.)  WM: Don Mosier, SW: Jim Arnold, JW: Kenny Petersen, SD: Tom Bowersox, JD: George Zinser, Tyler: Rick Bowersox, Treas: Fred Madison, Sec: Randy Cejka. 

We then did the first section of the degree on Marion's candidate C Flynn.  Officers were:  WM: Rick Bowersox, SW: Jim Arnold, JW: Ken Petersen, Tr: Fred Madison, Sec: Randy Cejka, Chap: Jim Arnold, SD: Tom Bowersox, JD: George Zinser, SS: Don Mosier, JS: Randy Chapman, and Tyler Dale Roberge.

Following this work, the officers called to refreshment, and all enjoyed a dinner of hot roast beef sandwiches, mashed potatoes, gravy, and chocolate chip cookies.  After everyone was stuffed sufficiently, labor was resumed on the 1st Degree.  The first section was then conferred on Kingston's candidate, Mick Stockwell.  Officers for this section were:  WM: Don Mosier, SW: Dale Roberge, JW: James Kubalek, Tr: Fred Madison, Sec: Randy Cejka, Chap Bill Krueger, SD: Jim Arnold, JD: Cliff Weaver, SS: Rick Bowersox, JS: Randy Chapman, Ty: Doug Heath. 

There was then a cast change, and the first section was conferred on Marion's second candidate, Brad Bowser.  Officers were:  WM: Tom Bowersox, SW: Dale Roberge, JW: James Kubalek, Tr: Fred Madison, Sec: Randy Cejka, Chap: Bill Krueger, SD: Jim Arnold, JD: Cliff Weaver, SS: RIck Bowersox, JS: Randy Chapman, Ty: Doug Heath.   These same officers then stayed in place while the second section was conferred on all three candidates.  Don Mosier and Rick Bowersox exemplified the Explanatory Lecture.  Rick Bowersox performed the Charge.  The officers then called to refreshment for the purpose of taking pictures and opening Lodge on the MM Degree.  Pictures were taken (see below).  It was also determined to attempt to have the second degree on at least two of the candidates at Marion on September 23.

After the candidates retired, Lodge was declared open on the 3rd Degree.  A petition was read, with a committee appointed consisting of George Zinser, Don Mosier, and Randy Zinser.  Discussion of a possible "guys night out", the hosting of Blazing Star, and Grand Lodge were then held.  Lodge was then closed.

It was a long night.  But it was great to have a total of 21 brothers in attendance.  It was also great to see the brothers from two Lodges working together for a common purpose, and having a boatload of fun doing it. 

Ben Franklin ----->

3rd degree 10/19/09:  Kingston and Marion Lodge No. 6 finished this episode of their joint degree work by raising Brothers Chris Flynn and Mick Stockwell to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.  Marion Lodge was opened on the 3rd Degree at 5:00 by a mixed corps of officers.  The first section was then conferred on Brother Flynn by the following cast:  WM: Mike Mosely, SW: Don Mosier, JW: Steve Elliott, SD: Elmer Hartgrave, JD: James Kubalek, SS: Kyle Martin, JS: Kenney Petersen, Tyler:  Rick Bowersox, and Chaplain: Norm Hammond.  The first section was then conferred on Brother Stockwell by:  WM: Don Mosier, SW: Mike Mosely, JW: Steve Elliott, SD: Elmer Hartgrave, JD: James Kubalek, SS: Don Stamy, JS: Kenney Petersen, Tyler:  Rick Bowersox, and Chaplain: Norm Hammond.  

Marion Lodge was then called from Labor to Refreshment by Brother Mosier.  A fine meal of Third Degree Chicken (first fried, then baked, then roasted), parsley potatoes, and bread was enjoyed by all.  Following a brief social time, Lodge was called from Refreshment to Labor by Brother Mosier.  The second section was then conferred on Brother Stockwell by:  KS:  Don Mosier, SGW: Don Stamy, JGW: James Kubalek, SD: Steve Nielsen, JD: Mike Mosely, SS: Dennis Herren, JS: Cliff Weaver, GndChap: Norm Hammond, GSec: Rick Bowersox, SC: Kenney Petersen, WFM: Cliff Weaver, 1R: Tom Bowersox, 2R: John Larison, 3R: Paul Nielsen, 1C: Maury Barnes, 2C: Bob King, 3C: Elmer Hartgrave.   The second section was then conferred on Brother Stockwell by:  KS:  Don Stamy, SGW: Don Mosier, JGW: Gary Smith, SD: Maury Barnes, JD: Mike Mosely, SS: Dennis Herren, JS: Cliff Weaver, GndChap: Norm Hammond, GSec: Rick Bowersox, SC: Kenney Petersen, WFM: Cliff Weaver, 1R: TJohn Larison, 2R: Tom Bowersox, 3R: Paul Nielsen, 1C: Steve Nielsen, 2C: Bob King, 3C: Elmer Hartgrave.   The Charge was then given to both new Master Masons by Brother Rick Bowersox.

Both Brothers were presented with Masonic Bibles by Brother Mike Mosely, and a 2009-2010 Grand Master's pin by Rick Bowersox.  Following comments and announcements, Lodge was closed with the brothers then in their places and stations.

Ben Franklin Grandmaster mason in Penn Founding father etc