Low-Income Resources
Other useful pages
Page for getting started since most people when they get started in life are poor.
Other Pages ... I setup for where to Donate Things but also could be a good place to get things Free or cheap :)
Page I added for Student Discount
Page I added for Shopping
Page for Get Food Get Health a food and Heath care and Heath insurance resource page
Low Income Help Hub
I set this page up as a general guide and resource
You can also call 211 on your phone and they can give you more info on this too.
I have a donation page for things to give away but its also a good place to look to get things for Free or cheap too link to page. It was made for people in Cedar Rapids or just Iowa in general but over time I have expanded it and set up other pages for health and food and this is more just a over view of options
Budget guideline
Budget somewhere between 12-15k a year to live on so then you could put some in savings and take care of additional expenses.
Yearly budget of $16,800 or $1400 a month I was going to call this How to live on less than 17k a year because your income needs to stay below that to stay on Medicaid
With low rent, no car or medical expenses, a single person could live adequately on $1k per month.
I have three main categories. First is your health if you're not healthy and you're sick and dying what really matters? Second is housing. It's always good to have a roof over your head. The third would be food and everything else that follows. Basically it's Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Health care & Insurance
What got me interested in this topic is the way my health declined. I had trouble working and then ended up on Medicaid I appreciate that Iowa had it expanded at the time it was when we were in a COVID emergency or something along those lines. I would no longer be able to get on Medicaid as I own property but could still get on ACA Obamacare plan. I am really glad that ALL people can get health insurance and that they Can NOT be blocked for pre existing condition that fat cat health insurers wanted to deny coverage for anyone who would use it.
You can go on my Get Food Get Health page you can apply at www.Heathcare.gov
https://www.medicalert.org/ $50 a year membership with bracelet
Vision: Miller Family EyeCare, 576 Boyson Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: (319) 373-3737 https://www.millerfamilyeyecare.com/
CPAP & supplies: AeroCare / Community Medical Supply, (319) 356-0202
Ramps and Wheelchair Ramp Accessibility Program (WRAP)
I had some family that needed to get a ramp from there house these guys were great we had to pay $600 for materials but they offer grants too and the labor was free and they did a great job. https://wrapiowa.org/
If you have trouble paying for the materials needed for the ramp WRAP can work with you or you could reach out to this Masonic Lodge https://www.mthermonlodge263.com/
I feel that housing and healthcare are really the top two costs associated with life. If you can handle these two costs then you should be able to handle everything else. With housing what worked for me is owner-occupying a duplex and renting the other half out. Another approach that would be cost-effective is renting an affordable apartment or house and just having roommates and living in that. I feel that a fourth to half of all income could fall under the housing utilities category.
Free Smoke Fire Alarms
Also 1st time home buyer program is helpful I had a friend that got a home with only 2k down with this program and the monthly cost was about the same as the rent they paid before.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) & Weatherization program
Helps low income people cut their electric and gas bill
Internet discount
$30 off new plan
old plan
Can get $50 off your bill
The Lifeline Assistance Program provides free government phones to people on food stamps and other reasons. It was initiated by the US government to help millions of Americans who don’t have access. This FCC-mandated program mandates several service companies to provide devices with mobile plans which include minutes and text every month. For example, Verizon usually includes 250 minutes or more of calls, text allowances, and some even offer data allocation. AT&T only offers a discounted rate on voice minutes.
Another option
Red pocket prepaid a year of service and Google Voice 35 a year https://www.ebay.com/itm/133196831828
he Red Pocket Wireless phone is $32 or so a year for 200 minutes of talk, 200 of data and 1000 text messages each month but for $30 a year!
Television & Media etc
Over the air signal that has no ongoing cost. You can also buy a streaming device such as a Roku or fire stick.
Libraries and education
I feel that the Cedar Rapids area has quite an extensive library system. Especially the public libraries you can get so much different media there from DVDs to books meeting space and other community assets.
for I have a student discount page predominantly for Kirkwood students.
I put some links for University of Iowa students here too. I also have a philosophical page on non-commercial values and they're important in society.
Gym and fitness
Low income under 20k a year $26.60 a month or $300 a year.
the MAC the best gym in the CR area.
You should also check this plan with the Iowa Farm Bureau for the discount plan
https://www.activeandfitdirect.com/ Its $28 s month with that discount
City Bus $20 a month or $240 a year.
When on Medicaid or other low income program you get it at the discounted rate. All bus rides are free right now because of covid. http://www.cedar-rapids.org/residents/city_buses/half_fare_qualifications.php
additional information can be found on this page
Guide living in Cedar Rapids without A car.
Elder help
A lot of senior don't have much money with inflation and less have pensions 401k or other savings so I put Elder help on this page.
Aging Services
UnityPoint Health - AbbeHealth Services - Aging Services enhances the lives of older adults by providing services and resources to assist them in remaining independent Phone (319) 398-3647 Website or sate wide at https://iowaaging.gov/
Heritage Area Agency On Aging
Heritage Area Agency on Aging is a non-profit organization providing innovative services and access to local resources that improve the quality of life for older adults, adults with disabilities and family caregivers. Phone: (319) 398-5559 https://www.heritageaaa.org/
Page with more info seems focused on Des Moines area https://grantsforseniors.org/help-for-seniors-in-iowa/
Tax Help
The volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) Trained and certified volunteers provide free tax preparation for individuals
and families you may also be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) so not only is this free but it could get you money back and help with Medicaid or ACA discount. Here is the local website https://www.uweci.org/what-we-do/our-programs/vita/ or at this site https://www.crlibrary.org/tax-help
Additional links
Strategies for Survival: Living on the Margins of the Debt System
Linn County has https://www.linncounty.org/130/Community-Resources this page with a lot of local information
Ramp got installed on 10-7-22