Live by the phone die by the phone...
Life & Times in Midwest call centers
Why am I writing this book?
I want to document my experiences & the lives of other working people that no one else has written about In the 7 county area that makes up the Kirkwood Community College District over 8 thousand people are employed in this field with its high turnover and low prestige white collar work yet people band together a lifelong career where they can sit on there ass answer the phone and ideally enrich someone's life hopefully full remotely.
Who answers the phone?
In the fall of my first semester of Community College I went to a career fair I was not looking for work at the time but the college had a few dozen employers offering all kinds of jobs I talked to the recruiter for a tech support company they were a third party contractor I had a vague idea of what they did basically they were second shift answering services for internet service providers throughout the country. Little did I know this would start my career and journey in call centers I didn't even apply for a job that day I just hadn't gave the recruiter a business card they emailed me and application and wanted me to move forward with this so I did.
Call All Call Center Workers...
Hello if you ever worked in a call center in Eastern Iowa please feel free to email me as I'm gathering experiences and information to add to this website and hopefully compile it into a nice book documenting everyone's experiences please fill out the form below Thanks!
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