Here is a page the will list information about financial & economics ideas I like or have.
non-commercial values Page is something I think a lot about too I spend a lot of time thinking about ROI and real estate money etc.. Its nice to think of something higher than that!
Libraries a page for places to learn and grow mostly for free with limited hierarchy and control a place for true self growth and empowerment
Pre-Bankruptcy Planning Page Looks at filling Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Shopping List Page Mostly Eastern Iowa based business that I like doing business
Low cost of living resources to keep high quality of life for a real low price :)
Student Discounts List Page Mostly deals students can get Like cheaper transportation ticket tech etc..
Get Started Page How to set yourself up for success
Owner Occupied Duplex Page the value of having rental income and a low cost place to call home!
Money Savings Page I setup as a way to look and see what do you pay and how can you pay less or get more value from what you are paying for.
Low-Income-Resources Page worth checking out
Donate Page where to donate stuff but also where you can get things cheap.
Freebies Page a basic page about Free things you can or could get.
Investment Websites & other Tools
budgeting calculator
Living Wage calculator
What college can you afford calculator?
tax migration info A Real estate investing website An another investment website but this one is based on Vanguard & mutual fund & index fund investing
my Page on that topic
"While some mutual fund founders chose to make billions, he chose to make a difference." - Dedication to Jack Bogle in 'The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing'.
15. Are you chasing or attracting? Time spent chasing is time not building something that attracts. Chasing the recruiter’s love vs doing something that attracts them to you. Making your thumb sore on Tinder vs bettering yourself. Cold emailing vs attracting customers via content.