Low Impact Life in CR
This page is about low impact low cost of living with a focus on Cedar Rapids Looking at non-commercial avenues
Live in Cedar Rapids or the area around it on or near a main road with a bus route. Have a multifamily house like a duplex or fourplex so you can increases housing density and lower your cost of living.
Lower water gas and electric usage
add installation around the roof and other places Air dry clothes and limit AC and heating
I think it would be good to write about non-car living using like a bike using the bus living off of 1st avenue so you could take route 5
Having a bike and e-bike would allow for more travel on your terms hopefully at least 8 months out of the year.
Food Garden and more
setup a garden plant trees that are edible https://www.backyardabundance.org/ has a lot of info on how to make your place more editable
Places to get food at would be NewPi Food Co-op Amana https://amanafood.com/
Having a composting
as well as
rain barrels can be used to collect water to so it will water everything
business called the Rain Barrel Guy his phone number is 319-929-4241
Trying to minimize environmental impact as much as possible using solar panels. Eating vegan
Looking at non-commercial options for other services and endeavors such as
Shopping and events
using calyx for internet and tello for cell phone service just for talk and text and a little bit of data.
Linux and free and open source software and just the overall options and avenues to pursue with that
buying a computer used from Midwest computer brokers.
clothes and things around the house etc
salvation army can get a lot there can also buy some select things on eBay and online.
education and social events
using the library
Local groups
Backyard Abundance setup a garden plant trees that are edible https://www.backyardabundance.org/ has a lot of info on how to make your place more editable
Prairie Woods eco srit center https://prairiewoods.org/
Indian Creek Nature Center
https://indiancreeknaturecenter.org/ nature center with classes and info on how to live a greener life
What car to buy is best car to buy?
I think used Honda and Toyoda cars tend to be best that Is what I have owned for years they just keep going and going and have low overall cost of ownership for a vehicle
graphics with info