
I created this page as a hub for my social media accounts, primarily for my business, but some personal links are here too. My business Facebook page is included, along with my BlueSky and Mastodon accounts. I’ve been on Mastodon for nearly 8 years, one of the early adopters—drawn by its decentralized, non-commercialized nature. All links are clickable, making it easy to connect with me across networks.


I have had an account here since Jan 20th 2017 I am an OG there :) 


Just created this one on 11-13-24 will see how it goes. 

I also really enjoy using Neo Cities and find it like a Web 1.0 noncommercial web social network Here is one of my many pages on there 

Facebook Business Page 

I do not like Facebook or Mark this is the only social network of his that I have joined and am somewhat active with.  No Instagram or WhatsApp or any of the other ones that he owns or has created. 


I use this site more than almost any other socail networking website I have over 500+ people that I have connceted with on here and just find it a very usefull website. 

I may add a YouTube channel or Reddit account or some other accounts as they come up that would be a good fit for this page and be another publicly facing social media channel.